The Moons of Saturn
A dialogue in word and image by writer Nancy Brokaw and Frank Rodick.
Signed copies available for purchase at photo-eye Bookstore.
A 32 page monograph featuring text by Nancy Brokaw and images from Frank Rodick’s Moons of Saturn series. Book design by Jodee Winger.
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Liquid Cities (alt take)
Hallucinations of sex and death, outcasted from the media flow, roam in bright daylight. Welcome to the strange world of Frank Rodick’s Liquid Cities, a non euclidian space with its own set of rules where the raw power of the unconscious resurface through subliminal images.
— Alex Bocchetto
Published by AkinaBooks in a limited edition of 100 as a followup to 2013's Of Liquid Cities and Celestial Abattoirs.
Limited edition: SOLD OUT by publisher. If you’re interested in more information and/or obtaining a copy in circulation, email and specify book(s) of interest.
Labyrinth of Desire: work by Frank Rodick
Katherine Ware—photohistorian and curator at the New Mexico Museum of Art—chronicles and analyses the work of Frank Rodick from 1991 to 2010, from Liquid City to Revisitations. Concluding, she states that "the witnessing of the malady of being human—in its fulsome range of extremes, contradictions, and complexities—is perhaps the primary motivation for Rodick’s work."
Includes 32 plates of images by Frank Rodick.
Available through the Deborah Colton Gallery. Enquiries also welcome via
Of Liquid Cities and Celestial Abattoirs
Photographer of the invisible, Frank Rodick traveled Tokyo, Paris, London, and New York, digging deep to find the common denominator of all cities.... Visceral and deranged, Of Liquid Cities and Celestial Abattoirs is a daring work Akinabooks is proud to publish, a frightening roller-coaster run through the dark ocean of primal instincts hidden under the polished surface of the modern metropolis.
— Alex Bocchetto, AkinaBooks
Named as one of the top ten photo books of 2013 by Eric Miles and ICP's Monsters & Madonnas. Includes images from the series Liquid Cities and Arena.
Limited edition: SOLD OUT by publisher. If you’re interested in more information and/or obtaining a copy in circulation, email and specify book(s) of interest.
Familiar Strangers: family portraits in life and death
Revised 2021
This 136 page book includes essays by Frank Rodick and images from the following series: Frances, everything will be forgotten, season of mists, Joseph (last words), and untitled selves.
Originally created and published by the artist for his own use. Now available for purchase here.
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The Moons of Saturn:
the series
Sixty-six pages, including all images from the 2021 series The Moons of Saturn as well as Frank Rodick’s essay, “No Maggot Lonely: Thoughts from a Life in Art” in its original form.
The Moons of Saturn is a vision of the human condition in extremis, emerging from the artist’s reflections during the charged atmosphere of the Covid pandemic and global sociopolitical upheaval — what Rodick has called “a new age of elemental anxiety.” Rodick states: “I offer The Moons of Saturn as a visual disjecta membra of sensation and feeling, memory and trauma — immediate and, in the same breath, past.”
Originally created and published by the artist for his own use. Now available for purchase here.
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Faithless Grottoes:
Fragments of love, remembered flesh, and other constructions
Revised 2013
Comprising all the images from Frank Rodick’s series Faithless Grottoes, created between 2006 and 2009, these large scale images are a unique amalgam of visual media including photography and video. Forty pages.
Through it all, the human figure remained the uncontested reference point. To this day there's nothing so devastatingly expressive for me as the human face and body, no visual element — in all its iterations and transformations — more capable of splaying open the human heart. Of course, there were many other elements injected into these tableaux—the surface detailing, the melding of foreground with background and subject, the bending of form and colouration—and these acted as supporting agents and accelerants. But the core setting for this work remained the same: those dark cathedrals of inner life, their architecture mapped out by patience, desperation, and delirium—all of it distilled through the human form.
— Frank Rodick
Originally created and published by the artist for his own use. Now available for purchase here.
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Based on the series of five images—installed in unique wooden boxes—created by Frank Rodick.
The images are constructed from Frank Rodick's descent into his family archives—materials compiled over more than a half century, largely through his parents' used and antiquarian book business. In this mountain of books, documents, and photographs, he found pictures from sources as diverse as antiwar propaganda of the First Great War, early pornography, and historical materials based on the events that defined his parents' deepest experiences, in particular World War II and the Holocaust. These were also the images that demarcated Rodick's early life, personal totems he discovered during secretive childhood wanderings. Returning to them after decades—an experience as much physical as psychological — released a surge of memories, associations, and sensations. The result was a set of intimate and tactile works that speak to the potency of conflict, pain, and remembrance.
Originally created and published by the artist for his own use. Now available for purchase here.
To preview this book, click thumbnail below.